A Gathering of Giants, Part Two—The Unofficial History of an Unrecognized Race
Product ID: VC11
Report Topics:
- Myths and remains of Giants are found in every ancient and indigenous culture the world over
- Report Update—Continued Testaments to a Forgotten Giant Race
Full Report:
One of the oldest Chinese literary works, the Shan Hai King, the “Classic of Mountains and Seas,” is a geography book dating back in its original form to 2250 B.C.E. Recent analysis by experts has brought to light the fact that portions of this early work give details and a highly accurate description of the major mountains and rivers of North America, revealing that the Chinese once undertook a scientific survey of this continent over four thousand years ago.
In the Ninth and Fourteenth Books of the Shan Hai King are fragments of observations made by the Oriental survey team of the various peoples inhabiting America at this time. In the regions of the “Southwest Corner to the Northeast Corner,” from Georgia to New England as well as in the “Great Waste” or the Western and Southwestern desert states, the Chinese called the “Great Man’s Country.” One of the surveyors, named Chen-fu-Chang, found in the West not far from the “Great Canyon Where the Sun is Born”—the Grand Canyon—a wooden arrow with a metal point 6.5 feet long. He calculated that its owner must have been 12 to 13 feet tall.
A footnote to this discovery, given in the Fourteenth Book, tells how ancient Japanese sailors once encountered bad weather and were driven onto the shores of the “Eastern Continent.” There, before their return home, they encountered “tall savages of a foreign tribe” more than 11 feet high. Other early Chinese literature, such as Ho-tu’s “Album of Gems” and the “Kun-liang History,” speak of strange lands beyond the Pacific called Ta-tsin and Lin-t’ao where men of huge stature lived, leaving behind footprints over a yard long where they walked.
The Giants of North America appear at one time to have been a restless, warlike breed, for several ancient sources describe their invasions of other lands.
In ancient Egypt, on the temple walls of Edfu, are hieroglyph texts telling of lands beyond the Ocean once peopled by strange races. E. A. E. Reymond, in his translation of these texts, The Mythical Origins of the Egyptian Temple, notes that the Egyptians knew of two Transatlantic locations called the “Place of Combat” (iw-he) and the “Place of Peace” (iw htp).
These descriptions bear a striking resemblance to a story recounted by the Greek Theopompus of Chios, a student of Plato. The Roman chronicler Aelian, in his Varia Historia (circa A.D. 200) preserved portions of Theopompus’ lost work Meropidae, written in 320 B.C.E.
In this work, the Greek recorded a conversation between King Mias of Phrygia and the satyr Silenos. Theopompus, through Silenos, repeated Plato’s accurate observation in the Timeaus and Critias of America being the “Outer Continent,” located on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Silenos then proceeded to describe the inhabitants and nations of this distant western land:
“The people are twice as tall as those common to our climate (Europe). As a race they are called Merops, and occupy that portion of the continent called Anostos (“no return”), its shores often covered by mist, and where the two rivers run nearby, the River of Pleasure and that of Grief. The Merops giants have several large towns governed according to their own custom. Among these are two which in no way resemble each other.
“The first of these is Eusebia (“the peaceful”). The earth is so productive in its fruits that its peoples need neither plow nor oxen—it is unnecessary to sow or till the soil. The Eusebian giants die happily and smiling.
“The second metropolis is Machimos (“the warlike”), and here the inhabitants, numbering no less than two million, are very belligerent. They are always armed, always fighting, and work unceasingly to conquer, expanding their frontiers, thanks to which they command over several neighboring nations.
“Once, the Machimos giants desired to invade our islands (Europe), and gathered together from among themselves and the other nations of the Outer Continent they dominated a great host of ten million strong. They crossed the Ocean, arriving on the shores of the farthest North. Upon learning that they were the happiest of our nations, but which to their eyes was displeasing, the giants continued no further in their invasions.”
The details presented by Theopompus find several interesting parallels in other Greek accounts in antiquity. Homer, about 850 B.C.E., in his Odyssey, Book Nine, described a land of gigantic Cyclops who were savages, yet who needed no agriculture, for the land yielded its fruits by itself. In Book Six, the ancient bard told how a people called the Phaeacians had once inhabited Hyperia, the land of the far North, but had been driven from there by a “Cyclopean race, a lawless nation of gigantic foes.”
The great Phaeacian king Nausithoos had led his people to safety by fleeing to the isle of Scheria. Most classical scholars identify Hyperia and the far North country with Great Britain, which also agrees with other Greek accounts as well as the chronicles of other ancient peoples.
The historian Herodotus spoke of the Arimaspians, “One-eyed giants, who lived in the northernmost island of Europe,” which Britain at that time was considered. Even the distant Hindus, who revealed their intimate and very accurate knowledge of Europe in the geographic portions of the Puranas, called Britain both the “White Island” (Albion) and the “Island of the Mighty Ones.” In the Ramayana, Ravana inquires, “Where do the mighty ones dwell?” and is told by Narada, “They dwell in the White Island of Varaha-dwipa” (Europe).
British folklore is filled with stories of Giants, and many confirm the legends found elsewhere that the Isles were indeed once invaded and for a time inhabited by a titan race.
Medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth in his chronicles History of the Kings of Britain tells of the exploits of Brutus, the first king, who was descended from Aeneas, hero of the Trojan War. Leaving Gaul, Brutus and his people landed on British shores at Totnes in Devon and found the land inhabited by men of no normal stature.
The race, it was recorded, was the degenerate offspring of a once great culture that had since lapsed into cruelty and dissolution. Like their Native counterparts in America, the early Britons first isolated and then defeated the Giants in fierce military engagements. Finally, only one Giant remained, named Goemago, who was eventually slain by Brutus’ general Corineus at Plymouth Hoe.
The area of Cornwall in particular was known as the Land of the Giants, and was said to have been inhabited by several individuals of legendary proportions. The titan pair Cormoran and Cormelian lived on St. Michael’s Mount; Holiburn of Carn Galva once ruled over the people of Morvah and Zennor; Denbras inhabited the Towednack Hills; Myen du dwelt at Maen Castle near Land’s End; Bolster lived in Beacon; and Dynas Treryn held the heights of Dinas.
The Annual Register of Cornwall for 1761 recounted that at a new tin mine at Tregoney-on-Fal, a miner unearthed a stone coffin 11 feet 3 inches long covered with unrecognizable glyphs. Inside was the skeleton of a man estimated at ten feet in height. However, the remains were so old that they soon crumbled to dust, except for a single tooth which measured two and a half inches in length.
According to Irish legend the Giants in an age far remote had invaded the British Isles as a race called the Fomorians. They are remembered still as having had a most advanced civilization, but which was destroyed amid war and terrible cataclysms.
Researcher Tony Roberts revealed:
“In Ireland there is the story of the famous Giant’s Causeway off the coast of County Antrium. Here, stupendous columns of basaltic rock appear to be deliberately arranged in regular geometric fashion out into the sea. Many of the angular stones form prismatic, polygonal shapes (hexagons and octagons) and look as if they were cut by machine tools that could only have been handled by a group of engineering-conscious giants.
“The myths adhering to this particular Giant’s Causeway state that it was built combined operation by the giants of Ireland and Scotland to facilitate easier access between the two sister countries. This was at a remote period in history when the giant race ruled throughout the British Isles and much land now submerged was above water. Parts of this Causeway still exist today, spectacularly tracing a serrated edge stone out under the restless waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
“The end of the legend is significant—the Giant’s Causeway subsided into the sea when its builders’ culture collapsed in war and terrible geological upheaval. The straight line of the Giant’s Causeway was said to run up to what is now the island of Staffa, which is also famous in myth as the home of the Scottish giant, Fingal. Fingal’s Cave was musically immortalized by the composer Mendelssohn.”
Roberts firmly believed that the legendary giants of old represent a lost highly advanced civilization that pre-dated the appearance of modern man, and memories of their achievements and even their language is still preserved in children’s tales. He observed:
“Mythological giants are accredited with a complete range of cultural arts--and a different language from the rest of Homo sapiens. The old English rhyme, ‘Fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman,’ descends from earlier Celtic sagas, and it is spoken of course by a giant who is inimical to the human beings, who have invaded his territory. Etymologically, the words fe, fi, fo, fum fit no known language past or present, and many researchers into the philology of myth suspect they are remnants from a lost prehistoric language older than even the Indo-European tongue.”
The British Strand magazine of December, 1895 contained a story with a photograph of a fossilized Giant found during mining operations in County Antrium, Ireland:
“”Pre-eminent among the most extraordinary articles ever held by a railway company is the fossilized Irish giant, which is at this moment lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company’s Broad Street goods depot, and a photograph of which is reproduced here. This monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug up by a Mr. Dyer whilst prospecting for iron ore in County Antrium.
“The principle measurements are: entire length, 12 ft. 2 in.’ girth of chest, 6 ft. 6 in.; and length of arms, 4 ft. 6 in. There are six toes on the right foot. The gross weight is 2 tons 15 cwt.; so that it took half a dozen men and a powerful crane to place this article of property in position for the Strand magazine artist.
“Dyer, after showing the giant in Dublin, came to England with his queer find and exhibited it in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence a head, attracting scientific men as well as gaping sightseers.”
Because of a dispute over shipping charges, the Giant remains became the property of the Railway company, who kept it in their London storage facilities. The company had confiscated the remains in 1876; the Strand article and photograph were made in 1895. What became of the Giant after that is unknown.
In Greek and Roman mythic literature, Giants are likewise remembered as having once been an integral part of the history of the world. Ovid preserved the story of Giants who once piled mountains up to the stars and were destroyed when Zeus hurled his thunderbolts at them. Homer knew of many Giants, called Cyclops, including the cannibal Polyphemus and the Lestrygones. Curiously, the term “Cyclopean” was not only a racial name, but also was used to describe their massive stone works.
It was the Cyclops who were said to have built the great stone walls of Argos, Tiryns and Mycenae. Many early European legends attributed the construction of many Megalithic remains, such as Stonehenge in England, to the Giants. Pliny recorded that primeval man was once greater in strength and abilities, including skills and intelligence, and that the men of his time were but degenerate compared with them.
Other Giants mentioned in Classical literature were: Agrios the Thracian; the Twin Aloadi who attempted to storm Heaven; Alkyoneus, Antaios, Geryones, Kakos and Porphyrion, all slain by Hercules; Arges, Brontes, Steropes and their sons, the Elder Cyclops; Argos Panoptes, the hundred-eyed Giant slain by Hermes; Enkelados, slain by Athena, who used his skin as armor; the Heka-Gigantes, who once waged war against Zeus and lost; Khrysaor, who dwelt “at the ends of the earth” and was of Hyperborean descent; Tityos, slain by Apollo and Artemis; Typhoeus, who once defeated Zeus but was eventually imprisoned by him.
In Europe are many legends and stories concerning the Cimbri or Cimmerian Giants, who in very ancient times once inhabited the entire region from the Black Sea to Belgium. The Greek historian Pausanias called them the world’s tallest people, and the Romans were recorded to have fought many battles with them over the passing centuries.
In 387 B.C.E. a group of Cimbri called the Senone defeated the Romans and burned the city to the ground. Later, in 113 B.C.E., a Roman army led by Papirius Carbo was dispatched to check the migration of several thousand Cimbri, but at the Battle of Noreia in Styria was annihilated by them.
The January 11, 1940 issue of the London Mirror featured an article by French researcher M. le Cat who surveyed a number of Giant reports which had been discovered throughout the Mediterranean in preceding centuries. Two giant skeletons were once unearthed near Athens and also in Palermo, Sicily in 1548. In 1705 a nearly 20-foot human skeleton, of which only the thigh bone was later preserved, was uncovered at Valencia in Spain.
Another “giant among giants,” measuring “eighteen Roman feet” was recorded found in Calabria, Italy by the Abbe Nazari. The molars alone of the high-standing individual were said to weigh an ounce each.
In 1692 a skeleton was unearthed in a tomb near Angers, France which measured seventeen feet four inches. At nearby Ain, another complete skeletal frame came to light that was four yards in height, with head in the ground and feet pointing skyward, buried in alluvial soil.
In 1577, a human skeleton measuring 19.5 feet was found under an overturned oak tree in the Swiss Canton of Lucerne. In 1456 a 23- foot tall skeleton was washed out of the banks of the Rhone River in Valence, France. And near the Castle of Chaumont, France in 1613 a skeleton 25.6 feet long was uncovered, claimed to be a nearly complete find.
In 1969, construction workers excavating a site for a factory near Terracina, sixty miles from Rome, bulldozed into a pit containing a row of fifty tiled coffins. Each coffin possessed a skeleton, all of which were between 6.5 and 8 feet tall. State archaeologist Dr. Luigi Cavallucci, who analyzed the find, noted that the bones were remarkably well preserved and all the specimens had been males in their forties when they had died of natural causes.
The conservative suggestion was that this had been a group of special Roman legionnaires chosen for their height. But there are a number of problems with this theory. First, the skeletons were not abnormally tall due to pituitary overgrowth. Rather, the bones were well proportioned and healthy, meaning they belonged to a truly Giant race and not of abnormally large Roman stock.
Second, no Latin inscriptions were dug up accompanying the bones, leaving the age of the remains very much in question.
And third, as researcher John T. Battle noted, “The Romans buried their soldiers with their uniforms, armor and weapons. Their military trappings were placed beside them in their coffins. But there was nothing in these coffins except the bones.”
In the Hebrew Book of Genesis, Chapters 6, it is recorded that long ago, in the pre-Cataclysmic world of the Antediluvians, there were “nephalim (giants) in the earth.” The Book of Enoch called these giants Grigori, and claimed they were descendants of women mated with “angels” (a still older forgotten race, or entities from the Spiritual Realm?). The Flood of Noah, however, swept most of this titan race away. But a strain of giantism survived, for they again make their appearance later in Genesis as the Emim (“terrifying beings”), Zuzim (“strong peoples”), Rephaim (“men of great stature”), and finally the Anakim (“great giants”), a race extinguished by the Israelites in their invasion of Palestine under Joshua. Some of these Giants escaped, however, and we are told of two notable examples of their offspring. The first is the well known Goliath, killed in a contest with David the Shepherd. Goliath was “six cubits and a span” or about 9.5 feet tall. His large metal suit of mail is recorded to have weighed 5,000 brass shekels or 208 lbs. The point of his spear, made of iron, alone weighed 25 lbs. But Goliath was outdone by another Biblical titan, King Og of Basham. The king slept on a “bedstead of iron, and nine cubits was the length of it,” making the ruler about 13 feet tall.
These ancient stories take on reality in a number of remarkable discoveries pointing to the Giants’ existence in a very early period. In the 1920’s, Dr. G. H. R. von Koenigswald acquired from a Chinese pharmacist in Hong Kong curious fossil fragments called lung-tehin or long-koo—”dragon bones.” The Chinese attach great curative value to these fossil bones, and keep the locations of where they are found secret.
What intrigued Dr. von Koenigswald was that the specimens he obtained were three large molars of human origins, but six times the volume of the corresponding molars in modern humanity. Von Koenigswald, being a conservative paleontologist, could not accept their distinct humanness, and named their prehistoric owner Gigantopithecus, “giant ape.”
But the fact that the titan teeth did indeed belong to a Homo sapiens was confirmed by another expert, Dr. Weidenreich, who rightfully renamed the enigmatic owner of several hundreds of thousands of years ago as Gigantoanthropus, “giant man.” Estimates made picture the prehistoric Giant as having stood anywhere from 10 to 12 feet tall and weighing approximately 1,200 lbs.
Gigantoanthropus was not alone, for oversized human bones were also found in early levels in Java, named Meganthropus. These remains were dated back over a million years, and were of individuals who stood 12 feet tall and weighed several hundred pounds. The tool kits discovered from these Java Giants were dated from 60,000 to 180,000 years old—or well within the Lemurian Age.
In Germany, much controversy surrounds the Heidelberg jaw, discovered in the Mauer pits. In appearance the jawbone is huge in size and thick-boned, looking at first like it should belong to a prehistoric large ape. But an examination of the teeth and bone architecture demonstrated that the Heidelberg jaw, despite its size, is more developed than that of the later Neaderthals, even advanced enough to be called modern.
Anatomist A. N. Burkett, in studying the general tooth arch, tooth structure, size and contour of the ramus, the back part of the jaw—and the shape of the chin, sees distinct parallels between the Heidelberg jaw and the jaws of certain large-boned living people in the Pacific region of the Loyalty Islands and New Caledonia—remnants of lost Lemuria-Mw.
Anthropologists Sarassin and Arthur Thomson have supplied measurements of the Pacific islanders’ mandibles that show considerable similarities with those of the Heidelberg jaw.
But what is most disturbing is the Heidelberg jaw was found in a layer that antedates not only the most primitive Neanderthals, but also antedates the even more primitive Pithecanthropine remains in Africa and Asia, going back almost a million years, considered to be among the oldest supposed ancestors of humanity.
The Heidelberg find is thus very out-of-place in the human fossil record. It represents a Giant race antecedent to a number of early human forms yet is more advanced in its makeup.
Prehistoric artifacts have also been found which correspond to the size of these early Giants. Near Sasnych, four miles from Safita in Syria, flint tools were unearthed weighing nearly 8.5 lbs. each. At Ain Fitissa in eastern Morocco stone bifacial spear points were discovered that are 12.5 inches long, 8.5 inches wide, and weigh over 9 lbs. French Captain Lafanechere also unearthed near Agidir five hundred double-edged hand axes 17.5 lbs. each. To have handled these, the captain calculated, one would have had to have the grip of a 13-foot Giant.
Summarizing the implications of these finds, Dr. Louis Burkhalter, French delegate to the International Prehistoric Society, stated in the Revue du Musee de Beyrouth in 1950: “I want to make it clear that the existence of gigantic men in the Acheulian (early Stone Age) must be considered a scientifically proven fact.”
In 1958, a water works engineer named Joseph Taylor, working in southeast Turkey in the Euphrates River valley in the Uran-Zohra area, unearthed a tomb which contained the remains of a Giant with a femur that measured 47.24 inches long, with an estimated age of 200,000 years old. It belonged to an individual who in life must have stood a good 15 feet tall. Unfortunately, the road construction crew who Taylor was working for destroyed most of the remains before they could be preserved.
Robert May, in the his work Five Thousand Years of Mysteries, reports that the Kotoko tribesmen of central Africa remember a giant race called the Sao, and there exists gigantic remains in the area to prove their stories. May wrote:
“The legends of the present-day Kotoko say that at one time there lived in the Chad region black giants with smooth hair, from who they considered themselves to be descendants. Statements of this sort are confirmed by the discovery to the north of N’Guigmi of a skeleton more than 2.40 meters (8 feet) tall. And near Goulfei there are enormous piles of very long stone blocks. The Kotoko say that it was the Sao who transported them there and speak of ’men so tall that they could look over the trees.’ The archaeologist De Pedrals thinks that they were the remains of an invading race which settled on the shores of Lake Chad and the banks of the Nile and Niger, which became progressively assimilated with the indigenous peoples.”
In 1936, two French archaeologists, Lebeuf and Griaule, discovered near Fort Lamy in Chad several egg-shaped funeral jars that contained gigantic bones mixed in with pieces of jewelry and works of art. In the same year, German paleontologist unearthed giant bones on the shore of Lake Elyasi.
In neighboring Sudan, author John Gunther reports that a tribe of Giants may yet survive isolated in the mountains, whose interbreeding with the Indigenous Peoples of the region long ago produced both the Masai of Kenya and the Watusi of Ruanda and Burundi.
Marco Polo, in his voyages to Africa and Asia in the thirteenth century, described his encounter with a large sized people living on the island of Zanzibar off the east African coast. He depicted the inhabitants as “strong limbed and as hefty as giants. They are so strong that they can carry as many as four ordinary men. This is not altogether surprising because while they can carry as many as four men, they eat enough for five.” Contemporary medieval Arab chroniclers, who recorded the first voyages of Moslem traders on the Indian Ocean, wrote of very similar meetings with this titan population.
In the late 1920‘s, a human skeleton an incredible 17 feet tall was unearthed at Gargayan in the Philippines, while other specimens 13 feet in size made their appearance in Ceylon, the modern Sri Lanka.
In 1960, at Tura in southwest Assam near the border of Bangladesh, a crew was digging a foundation for a new building on a college campus, when their shovels came upon a curious mound of stones less than four feet below the surface. Removing the stones, the workmen exposed the remains of an 11-foot man.
Conservative scholars were quick to dismiss the skeleton as being that of a large ape, a consensus formed without even examining the bones. Those who did see the remains, however, identified them as unquestionably human. What is more, buried with the Giant were charcoal bits, flints and a metal bowl. As one witness remarked, “I’ve never known these objects to be buried with an ape.”
In 1583, an English ship under the command of Captain Cowley reached the island of Guam in the North Pacific. According to Cowley’s log, the isle’s inhabitants at that time “were all well made, active, vigorous, and some of them seven feet and an half high.”
The peoples of the Solomon Islands have many legends concerning a race of gigantic folk who inhabited the region before their ancestors’ arrival. On Guadalcanal the Giants are remembered as the Moo-moo, and were said to be at least ten feet tall, with very long brown to reddish hair, protruding eyebrows, bulging red eyes, flat noses and wide-gapped mouths. The Moo-moo were also cannibals. The Islanders also believe that the Giants once lived in a large underground city situated inside the local mountains, with tunnels so extensive that they could travel from one side of the island to the other through the prehistoric caverns. An entrance to these tunnels and forgotten city is said to exist near Mount Tatuva.
In addition, in eastern Guadalcanal is a burial cave containing a perfect Giant skeleton laid out that is estimated to be 15 feet long.
On the island of Malaita are also hundreds of caves with many Giant skeletons and remains within, as well as examples of their prehistoric writing. The locals call the Giants Ramo, which means “men who eat men.” As Australian researcher Marius Boirayon noted:
“There is evidence of a lost South West Pacific civilization scattered across parts of Malaita. Around the mountain near Mount Mala in orth Malaita’s interior is a perfectly fitted large stone block wall and path spiraling around the mountain. The path leads to a flat area on top of the mountain, where another large stone block wall separates to a higher split-level flat area where an altar can be found. Some hundred feet further on is a burial site what has a perfectly flat, approximately 18 x 6 x 1-foot stone upon it. The bush people further away from that area say that a Ramo of great importance is buried there. There are also hieroglyphic inscriptions chiseled into these stone block walls.”
Near Kwaio are obelisks with strange inscriptions upon them buried deep in the rain forest. In the area of Kwara’ae, north of Kwaio, is a large burial place with thousands of Ramo bones scattered upon the ground. A hut in a local village nearby has as one of its support poles a Ramo femur bone measuring nearly 8 feet in length, making its owner a good 24 feet tall. Not far from here is a fresh water lake that the Ramos built, with a perfectly fitted stone block wall supporting its northeast section. Local legends say the last of the Ramos died out over six centuries ago, not long after the coming of the Polynesians and Melanesians.
On the Solomon islands of Choiseul, Santa Isabel and Makira are reports of still other Giant remains awaiting exploration. And yet more remnants of a lost Giant civilization are said to be found as far away as Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
In Australia, the Indigenous Aboriginals tell many stories that during the distant Dreamtime of their ancestors, among the many populations who inhabited their land were Giants, whose remains they claim can still be seen scattered across the outback desert country.
In the 1930’s a fossil deposit was found near Bathurst, Australia containing at a depth of six feet the remains of a human lower molar. Its size suggested its owner had stood at least 15 feet tall. Accompanying the tooth were huge stone artifacts—clubs, pounders, adzes, chisels, knives and hand axes—that weighed between 8 and 25 lbs. Estimates of the users’ height range from 10 to 12 feet.
At Gympie, Queensland, a large piece of the back portion of a human jaw was discovered, belonging to someone who had been 10 feet in height.
The New World also has an impressive number of legends and remains of a prehistoric Giant race.
The New York Herald-Tribune of June 21 and the Washington Post of June 22, 1925 recounted that a mining party near Sisoguiche, Mexico had found skeletons measuring 10 to 12 feet, with feet 18 to 20 inches long. Another press report made on May 14, 1926 from Nayarit, Mexico told how Captains D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of Giants who averaged over 10 feet in height. The Los Angeles Times of October 2, 1927 described how explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla that indicated the existence of a race of “gigantic size,” upwards of 12 feet tall.
In 1938 near Tepic, Mexico, archaeological excavations unearthed a series of extremely ancient mounds containing seven intact skeletons of men and women ranging between 8 and 9 feet in height. Each burial was covered by thin slabs of blue-gray slate, and accompanied by pottery fragments painted with meandering line artwork in blue and red. The site supervisor reportedly took the foot and arm bones of one skeleton to Arizona University, but the remains were never heard of again.
Elsewhere in Mexico, the New York Times of December 2, 1930 recounted:
“Discovery of apparent remains of a race of giants has been made at Sayopa, Sonora, a mining town 300 miles south of the Mexican border. J. E. Cocker, a mining engineer, reports that laborers clearing ranch land near the Yaqui River dug into an old cemetery where bodies of men, averaging eight feet in height, were found buried tier on tier.”
Another New York Times article, for February 14, 1936, told of more finds farther to the south, in Nicaragua:
“Press accounts say that the skeleton of a gigantic man, with head missing, has been unearthed at El Boquin, on the Mico River, in the Chontales district. The ribs are a yard long and four inches wide, and the shin bone is too heavy for one man to carry. ’Chontales’ is an Indian word meaning ’wild men.’”
Ancient legends from the regions of the Andes Mountains claim that the first inhabitants of Peru, pre-dating the Incas by thousands of years, were the Viracochas—meaning “foam of the sea”—who were said to have been the true builders of Tiawanaku, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu long before the Incas came to power. They were said to have been gigantic beings who also gave birth to a race of Giants that succeeded them.
The last surviving Incan prince and historian of his people, Garcilasco de la Vega, preserved the legend in his multi-volume opus Commentarios de los Incas, that in a much later Age than the Viracochas, Peru was once attacked by another gigantic race coming from the North. He recounted that they first arrived by sea upon the northern Pacific coast in the Manta region:
“The giant men were strange to behold; their eyes were large, and their hair worn long. They were beardless and their skin white. A few of the giants wore animal skins for clothing; the others walked the land without clothes. They built a settlement near the sea, at a spot along the desert land of the Manta region. They dug enormous walls.”
De la Vega further described how the Giants, not finding enough to eat, began raiding local villages and cities, killing and pillaging, and striking terror in everyone because of their gigantic size. The Incan historian claimed that the Giants were then struck dead from some catastrophe originating from the sky, and that all that is left of their reign of terror are giant bones scattered across the Peruvian countryside.
In 1928, near the village of Manta in Peru, in the same area said to have once been invaded by the Giants, workmen blasting a tunnel in the Andes for a railroad suddenly opened an entrance to a buried cavern. Inside, beneath a stone floor covered with stalagmites indicating an extremely old age, the amazed workers gawked at stone coffins containing the skeletons of several 8-foot and 9-foot Giants. The bones were forwarded to a university—and like so many other unacceptable finds, promptly disappeared into the trashcans.
The two earliest European circumnavigators of the world, Captains Cooke and Magellan, both recorded in their ships’ logs that they encountered members of a Giant race inhabiting the southernmost coasts of South America. Cooke’s crew captured one, and before he escaped by jumping into the ocean, they measured him at 6 feet 3 inches tall. Magellan’s example was even taller—approaching 9 feet in size.
Antonio Pigafetta, Magellan’s ship chronicler, made these observations concerning a South American tribe called the Tehuelches, in 1520:
“One day, when no one was expecting it, we saw a giant, completely naked, by the sea. He danced and jumped and, singing, spread sand and dust over his head. He was so tall that the tallest among us reached only to his waist. He was truly well built. The captain named these kind of people the Pataghoni. These people have no houses but huts. They live on raw meat and eat a kind of sweet root they call capac. The two giants we had on board ship ate their way through a large basket of biscuits, and ate rats without skinning them. They were used to drinking a half bucket of water at once.”
In 1598 Oliver Noort’s Dutch fleet, in its attempt to circle the globe, in the same area encountered “tall, portly men, painted and armed with short bows and arrows.” One boy the Dutch captured, on learning their language, described himself as belonging to the Tiriminen tribe, all the members of which were between 10 and 12 feet tall, and were continually at war with their smaller stature neighbors.
In the same year, another Dutch fleet, under Sebaid de Weert, failed to sail round Cape Horn, but not before his men sighted seven canoes filled with “Savages on board that were ten or eleven feet high, of a reddish color, and with long hair.”
In the very same region, in 1719 Captain George Shelvock reported that the island of Chiloe was inhabited by the Cacabues, a people nine to ten feet high, who were constantly threatening the local Indian Chronos, who were of average human size.
Another voyage around the world, made by the Hon. Commander Byron in 1767 aboard the H.M.S. Dolphin, also referred to the great size of the Patagonians.
When we look at the total picture of legends and stories, as well as skeletal remains and artifacts, we find the following correlations:
*There once existed all over the world a race of Giants whose origins extended back at least a million years, or toward the beginning of the Lemurian Age.
*These Giants ranged in size anywhere from as tall as 36 feet down to over 6 feet tall, with the overall average being 10 to 12 feet in height.
*They appear to have preceded Homo sapiens in most locations, yet must have been genetically related, for they were able to interbreed with our modern humanity.
*The early Giants in many locations possessed an advanced civilization, with evidence of large stone “cyclopean” construction, agriculture, writing, art, and some degree of metal production. In other localities they maintained a more primitive form of culture, yet were greatly skilled in stone working, hunting and fishing.
*Despite the Cataclysms that destroyed Lemuria, and later Atlantis, the Giants managed to survive, their kind persisting into ancient and relatively modern times, in some places even as late as the seventeenth century.
*However, over the course of thousands of years, the Giants seem to have degenerated both physically and culturally. Many of their later specimens had certain anatomical peculiarities, including flattened skulls, some eyebrow ridges, bulging eyes and wide mouths, double rows of teeth, as well as bone protrusions and other malformities. They went about with little or no clothing, grew their hair extremely long, and became warlike and bellicose. Their one major negative practice for which they became universally hated and feared was their consumption of human flesh, both living and dead.
*Nearly everywhere they encountered humans of normal stature, there arose a fierce animosity. The Giants invaded and dominated many regions, and finally they themselves were attacked and overwhelmed by migrating native populations. Practically in every corner of the world, and all about the same time period, wars of extermination were fought which eventually led to the extinction of all the Giant race.
*Only in a few cases was there peaceful co-existence and even intermarriage between the two groups, with the result that here and there strains of giantism entered the gene pool for our modern humankind.
Report Update—Continued Testaments to a Forgotten Giant Race
In the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter two, verses 8, 10 and 11, we find an indication that the Giants who the Hebrews fought against and exterminated in their conquest of Palestine under Joshua more than three thousand years ago, had been descended from evern earlier Giants who had inhabited this region in more remote times:
“We turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab. The Emmins (‘terrible men”) dwelt there in times past. A people great and many and tall as the (present) Anakims (“long-necked, giants“). They also were once accounted giants as the Anakims, which the Moabites remember as Emmins.”
Further on in the same chapter we find these revealing words:
“That also was accounted a land of giants. Giants dwelt therein in olden (former) times, and the Ammonites called them Zamzummins (“powerful, vigorous,” from Zumzims, “prominent, strong, giants”). These were a people (once) great and many, and tall as the (present) Anakim. But the Lord destroyed them, as he destroyed the Horims from (a time) before them, and the Avims which (once) dwelt at Hazerim.”
And again:
“The land, through which we have gone to search, all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. And them who we saw there, we saw the sons of Anak (Anakim) who came (descended) from giants. And we were in their sight as grasshoppers.”
The picture that emerges here is of a succession of Giant societies that stretched back into dim antiquity, most of whom had been “destroyed by the Lord” or had succumbed to a series of natural disasters. The Anakim who the Hebrews struggled against were merely the distant offspring of several previous Giant peoples and their forgotten civilizations, the origins of which may have dated to hundreds of thousands of years ago.
One of the words used for “giant” in these texts is Rapha, considered to be a primordial forefather of the Giant race, who Joshua collectively identified as the Rephaim. These earlier gigantic progenitors in Jewish tradition were thought to have lived in the region of the infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah—both of which were destroyed in a major cataclysm that created the Dead Sea. This occurred during the time of Abraham, more than a thousand years before Joshua’s war against the Anakim.
Very significantly, situated on Israel’s Golan Heights, ten miles east of the Sea of Galilee, is a massive Stonehenge-like structured named Gilgal Rephaim—the “Circle of Giants.” It is also known by the names of Rugum, Rogem Hir and Rujm al-Hiri, the last appellation, in Arabic, meaning “stone heap of the wild ones.” It was originally thought to have been built about 3000 B.C.E., but recent dating re-assessments suggest a much earlier date.
The concentric stone ring has a diameter of 508 feet, with a wall 6.5 feet high and 10 feet thick, composed of an incredible 40,000 tons of stonework. Within the l Rephaim monument are two large openings, one that once aligned to the rising sunlight rays of the summer solstice, and the other marking the rising point of the star Sirius, also on the summer solstice.
Immediately around the Gilgal Circle are 8,500 dolmens or stone-covered burial sites, some of them raised 23 feet high and weighing 50 tons. These dolmens cover an area larger than that of the mastaba burials at Giza that encircle the Great Pyramids.
In the center of the prehistoric Circle is a huge tumulus or burial mound which Jewish tradition identifies as the tomb of the great ruler of Bashan, King Og. In Deuteronomy 3:11 King Og’s bedstead was described as having measured nine by four cubits, or 18.75 by 8.33 feet in its dimensions—just large enough for a person 16 to 17 feet tall. The size of the tumulus would have comfortably accommodated a person of that tremendous height.
However, because of ongoing military tensions between Israel and Syria who share their border along the Golan Heights, no extensive archaeological excavation of the Tomb of Og has been attempted.
Are the remains of a prehistoric 16-foot ruler only a few feet below the ground? What kind of royal treasure was buried with him?
In northern Wales, near the Irish Sea coastal town of Llandudno, is a prehistoric copper mine called the Great Orme. The mine shafts extend for several miles underground, and in nine levels, with an estimated 1,700 tons of copper having been removed. Only a little over 3,5 miles of the shafts have been explored so far, and this portion is dated to the Bronze Age, or the second millennium B.C.E. However, researchers suspect that the greater part of these excavations which have yet to be entered, is very likely much older.
So far, about 2,500 sledgehammers have been discovered in the mine, that were used to bash away at the rock walls and free the ore in chunks, to be hauled to the surface. Most of these hammers have heads weighing in the 10-pound range, which most modern workers could wield. Some however, are 20-pounders, something few men today could handle for very long without resulting severe back strain. But still others are 30- , 44- , 52- and even 64-pounders in size.
There is not enough room horizontally in the shaft tunnels for a group of miners to joint together, lift such sledgehammers and thrust them as one against the rock faces. These had to have been handled by single individuals. The problem is, for such individuals to have had the muscular strength to pick up and swing such weights repeatedly, they must have been three times as massive as we are, and stood upright at 12 to 18 feet tall. We do find portions of the shafts which in their vertical heights would have barely accommodated persons of such a size.
Is it possible—given the precarious nature of this prehistoric mining enterprise which used no wood supports to shore up the tunnel walls—that farther down the shafts may be a caved-in section where one of the Giant workers was accidentally buried, and his remains are still intact?
One of the more fascinating lost treasure tales to come out of the Cascade mountains of northern California is the story of a man who was only remembered as J. C. Brown, who in 1904 was said to be a geologist and mining engineer working for a British-based firm, the Lord Cowdray Mining Company. His specialty was in prospecting for potential mineral deposits, and several times he went on company-sponsored expeditions into the Cascades in the region north of Mount Shasta.
In one such expedition, in an area no one had yet explored, Brown described how he entered an uncharted isolated narrow canyon, marked at its beginning by an unsually-shaped rock that looked like a massive human head artificially carved. It had been partially moved out of its central position by a landslide in the unknown past. As he moved up the canyon, Brown also noticed a strong breeze that seemed to originate out of a pronounced gap in the cliff wall at the canyon’s upper end.
Squeezing himself around a boulder that partially blocked the gap, and fighting his way against the outpouring of wind, he abruptly found himself in an obviously man-made tunnel of unknown date that led downward. At the end of this tunnel Brown discovered a vertical shaft, and after repelling himself below, came upon another more horizontal tunnel.
This second passageway led straight into an enormous cavern-like room which took the geologist-engineer completely by surprise. His lantern light glinted everywhere against beaten copper plating that covered all the walls. Upon them were engraved unrecognizable script, and images of battles and cities on fire. Scattered on the floor were the remains of tarnished and rusting copper shields, swords, necklaces and large broken statues of prehistoric warriors.
Moving into the next mammoth room beyond, Brown came upon the physical remains of the warriors themselves—the skeltons of giants who he estimated had once stood twice as tall as modern homo sapiens. He also detected fragments of leather armor and helmets, as well as heavily corroded swords still held firmly in their hands.
What adds a note of truthfulness to the geologist-engineer’s descriptions is that they match so many other legends and historical accounts of the Giants being, for the most part, a bellicose, war-like race, and that they were often associated with mining and smelting metals.
Brown next located a second shaft descending farther into the rock, but with his supplies running low, he decided not to venture on, and instead headed back to the entrance gap, eventually departing the mystery canyon altogether.
On his return, though he gave a full detailed report to his mining firm, no further follow-up action was taken. Several times Brown returned on his own to the area he had been, to see if he could re-locate the missing canyon. He discovered, much to his disappointment, that his initial compass headings were wrong due to local magnetic anomalies among the local mountains which from some unexplained reason kept shifting.
Even as late as 1934, Brown, then retired, was said to have tried to re-contact his former mining company employees in a final attempt to finance a new expedition. But, as the story goes, at the last moment he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, never to be heard from again.
There are rumors that Brown did manage to bring back from his first expedition a series of sketches, plus samples of the copper swords and giant bone remains. Unfortunately, the whereabouts today of these artifacts has been lost.
Coming into the modern world, there is evidence that a lost strain of Giantism still exists in Central Asia. In 1922, National Geographic Society photographer Roy Chapman Andrews captured on film the image of an unnamed Mongolian herdsman who was visiting the capital city of Ulaam Bataar from his home somewhere in the outlying steppe country. The herdsman was measured as standing an impressive 7 feet 5 inches tall, and the heads of his fellow Mongolians pictured surrounding him on the city street corner reached only as high as his lower chest.
Even more revealing was the fact that the photograph was never published in the NGS magazine until December, 1996, and then only on the back page as a curiosity photo pulled out the the Society’s archives.
Other rare photographs taken by early European and American expeditions to Tibet and the Altai Himalayas made in the 1920’s and 1930’s show similar Giants existing among the general populations of Central Asia, all of whom were in the seven- to eight-foot range.
More recently, in 2008, the Associated Press carried the wedding picture of another Mongolian Giant, this one named Bao Xishun, a 56-year-old herdman from the village of Chifeng who stands an incredible 7 feet 9 inches tall. He is shown being married in front of the tomb of Kublai Khan. His new wife, pictured next to him, is only 5 feet 6 inches, and her head comes only up to his abdomen.
[Copyright 2009. Joseph Robert Jochmans. All Rights Reserved.]
In the Ninth and Fourteenth Books of the Shan Hai King are fragments of observations made by the Oriental survey team of the various peoples inhabiting America at this time. In the regions of the “Southwest Corner to the Northeast Corner,” from Georgia to New England as well as in the “Great Waste” or the Western and Southwestern desert states, the Chinese called the “Great Man’s Country.” One of the surveyors, named Chen-fu-Chang, found in the West not far from the “Great Canyon Where the Sun is Born”—the Grand Canyon—a wooden arrow with a metal point 6.5 feet long. He calculated that its owner must have been 12 to 13 feet tall.
A footnote to this discovery, given in the Fourteenth Book, tells how ancient Japanese sailors once encountered bad weather and were driven onto the shores of the “Eastern Continent.” There, before their return home, they encountered “tall savages of a foreign tribe” more than 11 feet high. Other early Chinese literature, such as Ho-tu’s “Album of Gems” and the “Kun-liang History,” speak of strange lands beyond the Pacific called Ta-tsin and Lin-t’ao where men of huge stature lived, leaving behind footprints over a yard long where they walked.
The Giants of North America appear at one time to have been a restless, warlike breed, for several ancient sources describe their invasions of other lands.
In ancient Egypt, on the temple walls of Edfu, are hieroglyph texts telling of lands beyond the Ocean once peopled by strange races. E. A. E. Reymond, in his translation of these texts, The Mythical Origins of the Egyptian Temple, notes that the Egyptians knew of two Transatlantic locations called the “Place of Combat” (iw-he) and the “Place of Peace” (iw htp).
These descriptions bear a striking resemblance to a story recounted by the Greek Theopompus of Chios, a student of Plato. The Roman chronicler Aelian, in his Varia Historia (circa A.D. 200) preserved portions of Theopompus’ lost work Meropidae, written in 320 B.C.E.
In this work, the Greek recorded a conversation between King Mias of Phrygia and the satyr Silenos. Theopompus, through Silenos, repeated Plato’s accurate observation in the Timeaus and Critias of America being the “Outer Continent,” located on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Silenos then proceeded to describe the inhabitants and nations of this distant western land:
“The people are twice as tall as those common to our climate (Europe). As a race they are called Merops, and occupy that portion of the continent called Anostos (“no return”), its shores often covered by mist, and where the two rivers run nearby, the River of Pleasure and that of Grief. The Merops giants have several large towns governed according to their own custom. Among these are two which in no way resemble each other.
“The first of these is Eusebia (“the peaceful”). The earth is so productive in its fruits that its peoples need neither plow nor oxen—it is unnecessary to sow or till the soil. The Eusebian giants die happily and smiling.
“The second metropolis is Machimos (“the warlike”), and here the inhabitants, numbering no less than two million, are very belligerent. They are always armed, always fighting, and work unceasingly to conquer, expanding their frontiers, thanks to which they command over several neighboring nations.
“Once, the Machimos giants desired to invade our islands (Europe), and gathered together from among themselves and the other nations of the Outer Continent they dominated a great host of ten million strong. They crossed the Ocean, arriving on the shores of the farthest North. Upon learning that they were the happiest of our nations, but which to their eyes was displeasing, the giants continued no further in their invasions.”
The details presented by Theopompus find several interesting parallels in other Greek accounts in antiquity. Homer, about 850 B.C.E., in his Odyssey, Book Nine, described a land of gigantic Cyclops who were savages, yet who needed no agriculture, for the land yielded its fruits by itself. In Book Six, the ancient bard told how a people called the Phaeacians had once inhabited Hyperia, the land of the far North, but had been driven from there by a “Cyclopean race, a lawless nation of gigantic foes.”
The great Phaeacian king Nausithoos had led his people to safety by fleeing to the isle of Scheria. Most classical scholars identify Hyperia and the far North country with Great Britain, which also agrees with other Greek accounts as well as the chronicles of other ancient peoples.
The historian Herodotus spoke of the Arimaspians, “One-eyed giants, who lived in the northernmost island of Europe,” which Britain at that time was considered. Even the distant Hindus, who revealed their intimate and very accurate knowledge of Europe in the geographic portions of the Puranas, called Britain both the “White Island” (Albion) and the “Island of the Mighty Ones.” In the Ramayana, Ravana inquires, “Where do the mighty ones dwell?” and is told by Narada, “They dwell in the White Island of Varaha-dwipa” (Europe).
British folklore is filled with stories of Giants, and many confirm the legends found elsewhere that the Isles were indeed once invaded and for a time inhabited by a titan race.
Medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth in his chronicles History of the Kings of Britain tells of the exploits of Brutus, the first king, who was descended from Aeneas, hero of the Trojan War. Leaving Gaul, Brutus and his people landed on British shores at Totnes in Devon and found the land inhabited by men of no normal stature.
The race, it was recorded, was the degenerate offspring of a once great culture that had since lapsed into cruelty and dissolution. Like their Native counterparts in America, the early Britons first isolated and then defeated the Giants in fierce military engagements. Finally, only one Giant remained, named Goemago, who was eventually slain by Brutus’ general Corineus at Plymouth Hoe.
The area of Cornwall in particular was known as the Land of the Giants, and was said to have been inhabited by several individuals of legendary proportions. The titan pair Cormoran and Cormelian lived on St. Michael’s Mount; Holiburn of Carn Galva once ruled over the people of Morvah and Zennor; Denbras inhabited the Towednack Hills; Myen du dwelt at Maen Castle near Land’s End; Bolster lived in Beacon; and Dynas Treryn held the heights of Dinas.
The Annual Register of Cornwall for 1761 recounted that at a new tin mine at Tregoney-on-Fal, a miner unearthed a stone coffin 11 feet 3 inches long covered with unrecognizable glyphs. Inside was the skeleton of a man estimated at ten feet in height. However, the remains were so old that they soon crumbled to dust, except for a single tooth which measured two and a half inches in length.
According to Irish legend the Giants in an age far remote had invaded the British Isles as a race called the Fomorians. They are remembered still as having had a most advanced civilization, but which was destroyed amid war and terrible cataclysms.
Researcher Tony Roberts revealed:
“In Ireland there is the story of the famous Giant’s Causeway off the coast of County Antrium. Here, stupendous columns of basaltic rock appear to be deliberately arranged in regular geometric fashion out into the sea. Many of the angular stones form prismatic, polygonal shapes (hexagons and octagons) and look as if they were cut by machine tools that could only have been handled by a group of engineering-conscious giants.
“The myths adhering to this particular Giant’s Causeway state that it was built combined operation by the giants of Ireland and Scotland to facilitate easier access between the two sister countries. This was at a remote period in history when the giant race ruled throughout the British Isles and much land now submerged was above water. Parts of this Causeway still exist today, spectacularly tracing a serrated edge stone out under the restless waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
“The end of the legend is significant—the Giant’s Causeway subsided into the sea when its builders’ culture collapsed in war and terrible geological upheaval. The straight line of the Giant’s Causeway was said to run up to what is now the island of Staffa, which is also famous in myth as the home of the Scottish giant, Fingal. Fingal’s Cave was musically immortalized by the composer Mendelssohn.”
Roberts firmly believed that the legendary giants of old represent a lost highly advanced civilization that pre-dated the appearance of modern man, and memories of their achievements and even their language is still preserved in children’s tales. He observed:
“Mythological giants are accredited with a complete range of cultural arts--and a different language from the rest of Homo sapiens. The old English rhyme, ‘Fe, fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman,’ descends from earlier Celtic sagas, and it is spoken of course by a giant who is inimical to the human beings, who have invaded his territory. Etymologically, the words fe, fi, fo, fum fit no known language past or present, and many researchers into the philology of myth suspect they are remnants from a lost prehistoric language older than even the Indo-European tongue.”
The British Strand magazine of December, 1895 contained a story with a photograph of a fossilized Giant found during mining operations in County Antrium, Ireland:
“”Pre-eminent among the most extraordinary articles ever held by a railway company is the fossilized Irish giant, which is at this moment lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company’s Broad Street goods depot, and a photograph of which is reproduced here. This monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug up by a Mr. Dyer whilst prospecting for iron ore in County Antrium.
“The principle measurements are: entire length, 12 ft. 2 in.’ girth of chest, 6 ft. 6 in.; and length of arms, 4 ft. 6 in. There are six toes on the right foot. The gross weight is 2 tons 15 cwt.; so that it took half a dozen men and a powerful crane to place this article of property in position for the Strand magazine artist.
“Dyer, after showing the giant in Dublin, came to England with his queer find and exhibited it in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence a head, attracting scientific men as well as gaping sightseers.”
Because of a dispute over shipping charges, the Giant remains became the property of the Railway company, who kept it in their London storage facilities. The company had confiscated the remains in 1876; the Strand article and photograph were made in 1895. What became of the Giant after that is unknown.
In Greek and Roman mythic literature, Giants are likewise remembered as having once been an integral part of the history of the world. Ovid preserved the story of Giants who once piled mountains up to the stars and were destroyed when Zeus hurled his thunderbolts at them. Homer knew of many Giants, called Cyclops, including the cannibal Polyphemus and the Lestrygones. Curiously, the term “Cyclopean” was not only a racial name, but also was used to describe their massive stone works.
It was the Cyclops who were said to have built the great stone walls of Argos, Tiryns and Mycenae. Many early European legends attributed the construction of many Megalithic remains, such as Stonehenge in England, to the Giants. Pliny recorded that primeval man was once greater in strength and abilities, including skills and intelligence, and that the men of his time were but degenerate compared with them.
Other Giants mentioned in Classical literature were: Agrios the Thracian; the Twin Aloadi who attempted to storm Heaven; Alkyoneus, Antaios, Geryones, Kakos and Porphyrion, all slain by Hercules; Arges, Brontes, Steropes and their sons, the Elder Cyclops; Argos Panoptes, the hundred-eyed Giant slain by Hermes; Enkelados, slain by Athena, who used his skin as armor; the Heka-Gigantes, who once waged war against Zeus and lost; Khrysaor, who dwelt “at the ends of the earth” and was of Hyperborean descent; Tityos, slain by Apollo and Artemis; Typhoeus, who once defeated Zeus but was eventually imprisoned by him.
In Europe are many legends and stories concerning the Cimbri or Cimmerian Giants, who in very ancient times once inhabited the entire region from the Black Sea to Belgium. The Greek historian Pausanias called them the world’s tallest people, and the Romans were recorded to have fought many battles with them over the passing centuries.
In 387 B.C.E. a group of Cimbri called the Senone defeated the Romans and burned the city to the ground. Later, in 113 B.C.E., a Roman army led by Papirius Carbo was dispatched to check the migration of several thousand Cimbri, but at the Battle of Noreia in Styria was annihilated by them.
The January 11, 1940 issue of the London Mirror featured an article by French researcher M. le Cat who surveyed a number of Giant reports which had been discovered throughout the Mediterranean in preceding centuries. Two giant skeletons were once unearthed near Athens and also in Palermo, Sicily in 1548. In 1705 a nearly 20-foot human skeleton, of which only the thigh bone was later preserved, was uncovered at Valencia in Spain.
Another “giant among giants,” measuring “eighteen Roman feet” was recorded found in Calabria, Italy by the Abbe Nazari. The molars alone of the high-standing individual were said to weigh an ounce each.
In 1692 a skeleton was unearthed in a tomb near Angers, France which measured seventeen feet four inches. At nearby Ain, another complete skeletal frame came to light that was four yards in height, with head in the ground and feet pointing skyward, buried in alluvial soil.
In 1577, a human skeleton measuring 19.5 feet was found under an overturned oak tree in the Swiss Canton of Lucerne. In 1456 a 23- foot tall skeleton was washed out of the banks of the Rhone River in Valence, France. And near the Castle of Chaumont, France in 1613 a skeleton 25.6 feet long was uncovered, claimed to be a nearly complete find.
In 1969, construction workers excavating a site for a factory near Terracina, sixty miles from Rome, bulldozed into a pit containing a row of fifty tiled coffins. Each coffin possessed a skeleton, all of which were between 6.5 and 8 feet tall. State archaeologist Dr. Luigi Cavallucci, who analyzed the find, noted that the bones were remarkably well preserved and all the specimens had been males in their forties when they had died of natural causes.
The conservative suggestion was that this had been a group of special Roman legionnaires chosen for their height. But there are a number of problems with this theory. First, the skeletons were not abnormally tall due to pituitary overgrowth. Rather, the bones were well proportioned and healthy, meaning they belonged to a truly Giant race and not of abnormally large Roman stock.
Second, no Latin inscriptions were dug up accompanying the bones, leaving the age of the remains very much in question.
And third, as researcher John T. Battle noted, “The Romans buried their soldiers with their uniforms, armor and weapons. Their military trappings were placed beside them in their coffins. But there was nothing in these coffins except the bones.”
In the Hebrew Book of Genesis, Chapters 6, it is recorded that long ago, in the pre-Cataclysmic world of the Antediluvians, there were “nephalim (giants) in the earth.” The Book of Enoch called these giants Grigori, and claimed they were descendants of women mated with “angels” (a still older forgotten race, or entities from the Spiritual Realm?). The Flood of Noah, however, swept most of this titan race away. But a strain of giantism survived, for they again make their appearance later in Genesis as the Emim (“terrifying beings”), Zuzim (“strong peoples”), Rephaim (“men of great stature”), and finally the Anakim (“great giants”), a race extinguished by the Israelites in their invasion of Palestine under Joshua. Some of these Giants escaped, however, and we are told of two notable examples of their offspring. The first is the well known Goliath, killed in a contest with David the Shepherd. Goliath was “six cubits and a span” or about 9.5 feet tall. His large metal suit of mail is recorded to have weighed 5,000 brass shekels or 208 lbs. The point of his spear, made of iron, alone weighed 25 lbs. But Goliath was outdone by another Biblical titan, King Og of Basham. The king slept on a “bedstead of iron, and nine cubits was the length of it,” making the ruler about 13 feet tall.
These ancient stories take on reality in a number of remarkable discoveries pointing to the Giants’ existence in a very early period. In the 1920’s, Dr. G. H. R. von Koenigswald acquired from a Chinese pharmacist in Hong Kong curious fossil fragments called lung-tehin or long-koo—”dragon bones.” The Chinese attach great curative value to these fossil bones, and keep the locations of where they are found secret.
What intrigued Dr. von Koenigswald was that the specimens he obtained were three large molars of human origins, but six times the volume of the corresponding molars in modern humanity. Von Koenigswald, being a conservative paleontologist, could not accept their distinct humanness, and named their prehistoric owner Gigantopithecus, “giant ape.”
But the fact that the titan teeth did indeed belong to a Homo sapiens was confirmed by another expert, Dr. Weidenreich, who rightfully renamed the enigmatic owner of several hundreds of thousands of years ago as Gigantoanthropus, “giant man.” Estimates made picture the prehistoric Giant as having stood anywhere from 10 to 12 feet tall and weighing approximately 1,200 lbs.
Gigantoanthropus was not alone, for oversized human bones were also found in early levels in Java, named Meganthropus. These remains were dated back over a million years, and were of individuals who stood 12 feet tall and weighed several hundred pounds. The tool kits discovered from these Java Giants were dated from 60,000 to 180,000 years old—or well within the Lemurian Age.
In Germany, much controversy surrounds the Heidelberg jaw, discovered in the Mauer pits. In appearance the jawbone is huge in size and thick-boned, looking at first like it should belong to a prehistoric large ape. But an examination of the teeth and bone architecture demonstrated that the Heidelberg jaw, despite its size, is more developed than that of the later Neaderthals, even advanced enough to be called modern.
Anatomist A. N. Burkett, in studying the general tooth arch, tooth structure, size and contour of the ramus, the back part of the jaw—and the shape of the chin, sees distinct parallels between the Heidelberg jaw and the jaws of certain large-boned living people in the Pacific region of the Loyalty Islands and New Caledonia—remnants of lost Lemuria-Mw.
Anthropologists Sarassin and Arthur Thomson have supplied measurements of the Pacific islanders’ mandibles that show considerable similarities with those of the Heidelberg jaw.
But what is most disturbing is the Heidelberg jaw was found in a layer that antedates not only the most primitive Neanderthals, but also antedates the even more primitive Pithecanthropine remains in Africa and Asia, going back almost a million years, considered to be among the oldest supposed ancestors of humanity.
The Heidelberg find is thus very out-of-place in the human fossil record. It represents a Giant race antecedent to a number of early human forms yet is more advanced in its makeup.
Prehistoric artifacts have also been found which correspond to the size of these early Giants. Near Sasnych, four miles from Safita in Syria, flint tools were unearthed weighing nearly 8.5 lbs. each. At Ain Fitissa in eastern Morocco stone bifacial spear points were discovered that are 12.5 inches long, 8.5 inches wide, and weigh over 9 lbs. French Captain Lafanechere also unearthed near Agidir five hundred double-edged hand axes 17.5 lbs. each. To have handled these, the captain calculated, one would have had to have the grip of a 13-foot Giant.
Summarizing the implications of these finds, Dr. Louis Burkhalter, French delegate to the International Prehistoric Society, stated in the Revue du Musee de Beyrouth in 1950: “I want to make it clear that the existence of gigantic men in the Acheulian (early Stone Age) must be considered a scientifically proven fact.”
In 1958, a water works engineer named Joseph Taylor, working in southeast Turkey in the Euphrates River valley in the Uran-Zohra area, unearthed a tomb which contained the remains of a Giant with a femur that measured 47.24 inches long, with an estimated age of 200,000 years old. It belonged to an individual who in life must have stood a good 15 feet tall. Unfortunately, the road construction crew who Taylor was working for destroyed most of the remains before they could be preserved.
Robert May, in the his work Five Thousand Years of Mysteries, reports that the Kotoko tribesmen of central Africa remember a giant race called the Sao, and there exists gigantic remains in the area to prove their stories. May wrote:
“The legends of the present-day Kotoko say that at one time there lived in the Chad region black giants with smooth hair, from who they considered themselves to be descendants. Statements of this sort are confirmed by the discovery to the north of N’Guigmi of a skeleton more than 2.40 meters (8 feet) tall. And near Goulfei there are enormous piles of very long stone blocks. The Kotoko say that it was the Sao who transported them there and speak of ’men so tall that they could look over the trees.’ The archaeologist De Pedrals thinks that they were the remains of an invading race which settled on the shores of Lake Chad and the banks of the Nile and Niger, which became progressively assimilated with the indigenous peoples.”
In 1936, two French archaeologists, Lebeuf and Griaule, discovered near Fort Lamy in Chad several egg-shaped funeral jars that contained gigantic bones mixed in with pieces of jewelry and works of art. In the same year, German paleontologist unearthed giant bones on the shore of Lake Elyasi.
In neighboring Sudan, author John Gunther reports that a tribe of Giants may yet survive isolated in the mountains, whose interbreeding with the Indigenous Peoples of the region long ago produced both the Masai of Kenya and the Watusi of Ruanda and Burundi.
Marco Polo, in his voyages to Africa and Asia in the thirteenth century, described his encounter with a large sized people living on the island of Zanzibar off the east African coast. He depicted the inhabitants as “strong limbed and as hefty as giants. They are so strong that they can carry as many as four ordinary men. This is not altogether surprising because while they can carry as many as four men, they eat enough for five.” Contemporary medieval Arab chroniclers, who recorded the first voyages of Moslem traders on the Indian Ocean, wrote of very similar meetings with this titan population.
In the late 1920‘s, a human skeleton an incredible 17 feet tall was unearthed at Gargayan in the Philippines, while other specimens 13 feet in size made their appearance in Ceylon, the modern Sri Lanka.
In 1960, at Tura in southwest Assam near the border of Bangladesh, a crew was digging a foundation for a new building on a college campus, when their shovels came upon a curious mound of stones less than four feet below the surface. Removing the stones, the workmen exposed the remains of an 11-foot man.
Conservative scholars were quick to dismiss the skeleton as being that of a large ape, a consensus formed without even examining the bones. Those who did see the remains, however, identified them as unquestionably human. What is more, buried with the Giant were charcoal bits, flints and a metal bowl. As one witness remarked, “I’ve never known these objects to be buried with an ape.”
In 1583, an English ship under the command of Captain Cowley reached the island of Guam in the North Pacific. According to Cowley’s log, the isle’s inhabitants at that time “were all well made, active, vigorous, and some of them seven feet and an half high.”
The peoples of the Solomon Islands have many legends concerning a race of gigantic folk who inhabited the region before their ancestors’ arrival. On Guadalcanal the Giants are remembered as the Moo-moo, and were said to be at least ten feet tall, with very long brown to reddish hair, protruding eyebrows, bulging red eyes, flat noses and wide-gapped mouths. The Moo-moo were also cannibals. The Islanders also believe that the Giants once lived in a large underground city situated inside the local mountains, with tunnels so extensive that they could travel from one side of the island to the other through the prehistoric caverns. An entrance to these tunnels and forgotten city is said to exist near Mount Tatuva.
In addition, in eastern Guadalcanal is a burial cave containing a perfect Giant skeleton laid out that is estimated to be 15 feet long.
On the island of Malaita are also hundreds of caves with many Giant skeletons and remains within, as well as examples of their prehistoric writing. The locals call the Giants Ramo, which means “men who eat men.” As Australian researcher Marius Boirayon noted:
“There is evidence of a lost South West Pacific civilization scattered across parts of Malaita. Around the mountain near Mount Mala in orth Malaita’s interior is a perfectly fitted large stone block wall and path spiraling around the mountain. The path leads to a flat area on top of the mountain, where another large stone block wall separates to a higher split-level flat area where an altar can be found. Some hundred feet further on is a burial site what has a perfectly flat, approximately 18 x 6 x 1-foot stone upon it. The bush people further away from that area say that a Ramo of great importance is buried there. There are also hieroglyphic inscriptions chiseled into these stone block walls.”
Near Kwaio are obelisks with strange inscriptions upon them buried deep in the rain forest. In the area of Kwara’ae, north of Kwaio, is a large burial place with thousands of Ramo bones scattered upon the ground. A hut in a local village nearby has as one of its support poles a Ramo femur bone measuring nearly 8 feet in length, making its owner a good 24 feet tall. Not far from here is a fresh water lake that the Ramos built, with a perfectly fitted stone block wall supporting its northeast section. Local legends say the last of the Ramos died out over six centuries ago, not long after the coming of the Polynesians and Melanesians.
On the Solomon islands of Choiseul, Santa Isabel and Makira are reports of still other Giant remains awaiting exploration. And yet more remnants of a lost Giant civilization are said to be found as far away as Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu.
In Australia, the Indigenous Aboriginals tell many stories that during the distant Dreamtime of their ancestors, among the many populations who inhabited their land were Giants, whose remains they claim can still be seen scattered across the outback desert country.
In the 1930’s a fossil deposit was found near Bathurst, Australia containing at a depth of six feet the remains of a human lower molar. Its size suggested its owner had stood at least 15 feet tall. Accompanying the tooth were huge stone artifacts—clubs, pounders, adzes, chisels, knives and hand axes—that weighed between 8 and 25 lbs. Estimates of the users’ height range from 10 to 12 feet.
At Gympie, Queensland, a large piece of the back portion of a human jaw was discovered, belonging to someone who had been 10 feet in height.
The New World also has an impressive number of legends and remains of a prehistoric Giant race.
The New York Herald-Tribune of June 21 and the Washington Post of June 22, 1925 recounted that a mining party near Sisoguiche, Mexico had found skeletons measuring 10 to 12 feet, with feet 18 to 20 inches long. Another press report made on May 14, 1926 from Nayarit, Mexico told how Captains D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of Giants who averaged over 10 feet in height. The Los Angeles Times of October 2, 1927 described how explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla that indicated the existence of a race of “gigantic size,” upwards of 12 feet tall.
In 1938 near Tepic, Mexico, archaeological excavations unearthed a series of extremely ancient mounds containing seven intact skeletons of men and women ranging between 8 and 9 feet in height. Each burial was covered by thin slabs of blue-gray slate, and accompanied by pottery fragments painted with meandering line artwork in blue and red. The site supervisor reportedly took the foot and arm bones of one skeleton to Arizona University, but the remains were never heard of again.
Elsewhere in Mexico, the New York Times of December 2, 1930 recounted:
“Discovery of apparent remains of a race of giants has been made at Sayopa, Sonora, a mining town 300 miles south of the Mexican border. J. E. Cocker, a mining engineer, reports that laborers clearing ranch land near the Yaqui River dug into an old cemetery where bodies of men, averaging eight feet in height, were found buried tier on tier.”
Another New York Times article, for February 14, 1936, told of more finds farther to the south, in Nicaragua:
“Press accounts say that the skeleton of a gigantic man, with head missing, has been unearthed at El Boquin, on the Mico River, in the Chontales district. The ribs are a yard long and four inches wide, and the shin bone is too heavy for one man to carry. ’Chontales’ is an Indian word meaning ’wild men.’”
Ancient legends from the regions of the Andes Mountains claim that the first inhabitants of Peru, pre-dating the Incas by thousands of years, were the Viracochas—meaning “foam of the sea”—who were said to have been the true builders of Tiawanaku, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu long before the Incas came to power. They were said to have been gigantic beings who also gave birth to a race of Giants that succeeded them.
The last surviving Incan prince and historian of his people, Garcilasco de la Vega, preserved the legend in his multi-volume opus Commentarios de los Incas, that in a much later Age than the Viracochas, Peru was once attacked by another gigantic race coming from the North. He recounted that they first arrived by sea upon the northern Pacific coast in the Manta region:
“The giant men were strange to behold; their eyes were large, and their hair worn long. They were beardless and their skin white. A few of the giants wore animal skins for clothing; the others walked the land without clothes. They built a settlement near the sea, at a spot along the desert land of the Manta region. They dug enormous walls.”
De la Vega further described how the Giants, not finding enough to eat, began raiding local villages and cities, killing and pillaging, and striking terror in everyone because of their gigantic size. The Incan historian claimed that the Giants were then struck dead from some catastrophe originating from the sky, and that all that is left of their reign of terror are giant bones scattered across the Peruvian countryside.
In 1928, near the village of Manta in Peru, in the same area said to have once been invaded by the Giants, workmen blasting a tunnel in the Andes for a railroad suddenly opened an entrance to a buried cavern. Inside, beneath a stone floor covered with stalagmites indicating an extremely old age, the amazed workers gawked at stone coffins containing the skeletons of several 8-foot and 9-foot Giants. The bones were forwarded to a university—and like so many other unacceptable finds, promptly disappeared into the trashcans.
The two earliest European circumnavigators of the world, Captains Cooke and Magellan, both recorded in their ships’ logs that they encountered members of a Giant race inhabiting the southernmost coasts of South America. Cooke’s crew captured one, and before he escaped by jumping into the ocean, they measured him at 6 feet 3 inches tall. Magellan’s example was even taller—approaching 9 feet in size.
Antonio Pigafetta, Magellan’s ship chronicler, made these observations concerning a South American tribe called the Tehuelches, in 1520:
“One day, when no one was expecting it, we saw a giant, completely naked, by the sea. He danced and jumped and, singing, spread sand and dust over his head. He was so tall that the tallest among us reached only to his waist. He was truly well built. The captain named these kind of people the Pataghoni. These people have no houses but huts. They live on raw meat and eat a kind of sweet root they call capac. The two giants we had on board ship ate their way through a large basket of biscuits, and ate rats without skinning them. They were used to drinking a half bucket of water at once.”
In 1598 Oliver Noort’s Dutch fleet, in its attempt to circle the globe, in the same area encountered “tall, portly men, painted and armed with short bows and arrows.” One boy the Dutch captured, on learning their language, described himself as belonging to the Tiriminen tribe, all the members of which were between 10 and 12 feet tall, and were continually at war with their smaller stature neighbors.
In the same year, another Dutch fleet, under Sebaid de Weert, failed to sail round Cape Horn, but not before his men sighted seven canoes filled with “Savages on board that were ten or eleven feet high, of a reddish color, and with long hair.”
In the very same region, in 1719 Captain George Shelvock reported that the island of Chiloe was inhabited by the Cacabues, a people nine to ten feet high, who were constantly threatening the local Indian Chronos, who were of average human size.
Another voyage around the world, made by the Hon. Commander Byron in 1767 aboard the H.M.S. Dolphin, also referred to the great size of the Patagonians.
When we look at the total picture of legends and stories, as well as skeletal remains and artifacts, we find the following correlations:
*There once existed all over the world a race of Giants whose origins extended back at least a million years, or toward the beginning of the Lemurian Age.
*These Giants ranged in size anywhere from as tall as 36 feet down to over 6 feet tall, with the overall average being 10 to 12 feet in height.
*They appear to have preceded Homo sapiens in most locations, yet must have been genetically related, for they were able to interbreed with our modern humanity.
*The early Giants in many locations possessed an advanced civilization, with evidence of large stone “cyclopean” construction, agriculture, writing, art, and some degree of metal production. In other localities they maintained a more primitive form of culture, yet were greatly skilled in stone working, hunting and fishing.
*Despite the Cataclysms that destroyed Lemuria, and later Atlantis, the Giants managed to survive, their kind persisting into ancient and relatively modern times, in some places even as late as the seventeenth century.
*However, over the course of thousands of years, the Giants seem to have degenerated both physically and culturally. Many of their later specimens had certain anatomical peculiarities, including flattened skulls, some eyebrow ridges, bulging eyes and wide mouths, double rows of teeth, as well as bone protrusions and other malformities. They went about with little or no clothing, grew their hair extremely long, and became warlike and bellicose. Their one major negative practice for which they became universally hated and feared was their consumption of human flesh, both living and dead.
*Nearly everywhere they encountered humans of normal stature, there arose a fierce animosity. The Giants invaded and dominated many regions, and finally they themselves were attacked and overwhelmed by migrating native populations. Practically in every corner of the world, and all about the same time period, wars of extermination were fought which eventually led to the extinction of all the Giant race.
*Only in a few cases was there peaceful co-existence and even intermarriage between the two groups, with the result that here and there strains of giantism entered the gene pool for our modern humankind.
Report Update—Continued Testaments to a Forgotten Giant Race
In the Book of Deuteronomy, chapter two, verses 8, 10 and 11, we find an indication that the Giants who the Hebrews fought against and exterminated in their conquest of Palestine under Joshua more than three thousand years ago, had been descended from evern earlier Giants who had inhabited this region in more remote times:
“We turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab. The Emmins (‘terrible men”) dwelt there in times past. A people great and many and tall as the (present) Anakims (“long-necked, giants“). They also were once accounted giants as the Anakims, which the Moabites remember as Emmins.”
Further on in the same chapter we find these revealing words:
“That also was accounted a land of giants. Giants dwelt therein in olden (former) times, and the Ammonites called them Zamzummins (“powerful, vigorous,” from Zumzims, “prominent, strong, giants”). These were a people (once) great and many, and tall as the (present) Anakim. But the Lord destroyed them, as he destroyed the Horims from (a time) before them, and the Avims which (once) dwelt at Hazerim.”
And again:
“The land, through which we have gone to search, all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. And them who we saw there, we saw the sons of Anak (Anakim) who came (descended) from giants. And we were in their sight as grasshoppers.”
The picture that emerges here is of a succession of Giant societies that stretched back into dim antiquity, most of whom had been “destroyed by the Lord” or had succumbed to a series of natural disasters. The Anakim who the Hebrews struggled against were merely the distant offspring of several previous Giant peoples and their forgotten civilizations, the origins of which may have dated to hundreds of thousands of years ago.
One of the words used for “giant” in these texts is Rapha, considered to be a primordial forefather of the Giant race, who Joshua collectively identified as the Rephaim. These earlier gigantic progenitors in Jewish tradition were thought to have lived in the region of the infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah—both of which were destroyed in a major cataclysm that created the Dead Sea. This occurred during the time of Abraham, more than a thousand years before Joshua’s war against the Anakim.
Very significantly, situated on Israel’s Golan Heights, ten miles east of the Sea of Galilee, is a massive Stonehenge-like structured named Gilgal Rephaim—the “Circle of Giants.” It is also known by the names of Rugum, Rogem Hir and Rujm al-Hiri, the last appellation, in Arabic, meaning “stone heap of the wild ones.” It was originally thought to have been built about 3000 B.C.E., but recent dating re-assessments suggest a much earlier date.
The concentric stone ring has a diameter of 508 feet, with a wall 6.5 feet high and 10 feet thick, composed of an incredible 40,000 tons of stonework. Within the l Rephaim monument are two large openings, one that once aligned to the rising sunlight rays of the summer solstice, and the other marking the rising point of the star Sirius, also on the summer solstice.
Immediately around the Gilgal Circle are 8,500 dolmens or stone-covered burial sites, some of them raised 23 feet high and weighing 50 tons. These dolmens cover an area larger than that of the mastaba burials at Giza that encircle the Great Pyramids.
In the center of the prehistoric Circle is a huge tumulus or burial mound which Jewish tradition identifies as the tomb of the great ruler of Bashan, King Og. In Deuteronomy 3:11 King Og’s bedstead was described as having measured nine by four cubits, or 18.75 by 8.33 feet in its dimensions—just large enough for a person 16 to 17 feet tall. The size of the tumulus would have comfortably accommodated a person of that tremendous height.
However, because of ongoing military tensions between Israel and Syria who share their border along the Golan Heights, no extensive archaeological excavation of the Tomb of Og has been attempted.
Are the remains of a prehistoric 16-foot ruler only a few feet below the ground? What kind of royal treasure was buried with him?
In northern Wales, near the Irish Sea coastal town of Llandudno, is a prehistoric copper mine called the Great Orme. The mine shafts extend for several miles underground, and in nine levels, with an estimated 1,700 tons of copper having been removed. Only a little over 3,5 miles of the shafts have been explored so far, and this portion is dated to the Bronze Age, or the second millennium B.C.E. However, researchers suspect that the greater part of these excavations which have yet to be entered, is very likely much older.
So far, about 2,500 sledgehammers have been discovered in the mine, that were used to bash away at the rock walls and free the ore in chunks, to be hauled to the surface. Most of these hammers have heads weighing in the 10-pound range, which most modern workers could wield. Some however, are 20-pounders, something few men today could handle for very long without resulting severe back strain. But still others are 30- , 44- , 52- and even 64-pounders in size.
There is not enough room horizontally in the shaft tunnels for a group of miners to joint together, lift such sledgehammers and thrust them as one against the rock faces. These had to have been handled by single individuals. The problem is, for such individuals to have had the muscular strength to pick up and swing such weights repeatedly, they must have been three times as massive as we are, and stood upright at 12 to 18 feet tall. We do find portions of the shafts which in their vertical heights would have barely accommodated persons of such a size.
Is it possible—given the precarious nature of this prehistoric mining enterprise which used no wood supports to shore up the tunnel walls—that farther down the shafts may be a caved-in section where one of the Giant workers was accidentally buried, and his remains are still intact?
One of the more fascinating lost treasure tales to come out of the Cascade mountains of northern California is the story of a man who was only remembered as J. C. Brown, who in 1904 was said to be a geologist and mining engineer working for a British-based firm, the Lord Cowdray Mining Company. His specialty was in prospecting for potential mineral deposits, and several times he went on company-sponsored expeditions into the Cascades in the region north of Mount Shasta.
In one such expedition, in an area no one had yet explored, Brown described how he entered an uncharted isolated narrow canyon, marked at its beginning by an unsually-shaped rock that looked like a massive human head artificially carved. It had been partially moved out of its central position by a landslide in the unknown past. As he moved up the canyon, Brown also noticed a strong breeze that seemed to originate out of a pronounced gap in the cliff wall at the canyon’s upper end.
Squeezing himself around a boulder that partially blocked the gap, and fighting his way against the outpouring of wind, he abruptly found himself in an obviously man-made tunnel of unknown date that led downward. At the end of this tunnel Brown discovered a vertical shaft, and after repelling himself below, came upon another more horizontal tunnel.
This second passageway led straight into an enormous cavern-like room which took the geologist-engineer completely by surprise. His lantern light glinted everywhere against beaten copper plating that covered all the walls. Upon them were engraved unrecognizable script, and images of battles and cities on fire. Scattered on the floor were the remains of tarnished and rusting copper shields, swords, necklaces and large broken statues of prehistoric warriors.
Moving into the next mammoth room beyond, Brown came upon the physical remains of the warriors themselves—the skeltons of giants who he estimated had once stood twice as tall as modern homo sapiens. He also detected fragments of leather armor and helmets, as well as heavily corroded swords still held firmly in their hands.
What adds a note of truthfulness to the geologist-engineer’s descriptions is that they match so many other legends and historical accounts of the Giants being, for the most part, a bellicose, war-like race, and that they were often associated with mining and smelting metals.
Brown next located a second shaft descending farther into the rock, but with his supplies running low, he decided not to venture on, and instead headed back to the entrance gap, eventually departing the mystery canyon altogether.
On his return, though he gave a full detailed report to his mining firm, no further follow-up action was taken. Several times Brown returned on his own to the area he had been, to see if he could re-locate the missing canyon. He discovered, much to his disappointment, that his initial compass headings were wrong due to local magnetic anomalies among the local mountains which from some unexplained reason kept shifting.
Even as late as 1934, Brown, then retired, was said to have tried to re-contact his former mining company employees in a final attempt to finance a new expedition. But, as the story goes, at the last moment he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, never to be heard from again.
There are rumors that Brown did manage to bring back from his first expedition a series of sketches, plus samples of the copper swords and giant bone remains. Unfortunately, the whereabouts today of these artifacts has been lost.
Coming into the modern world, there is evidence that a lost strain of Giantism still exists in Central Asia. In 1922, National Geographic Society photographer Roy Chapman Andrews captured on film the image of an unnamed Mongolian herdsman who was visiting the capital city of Ulaam Bataar from his home somewhere in the outlying steppe country. The herdsman was measured as standing an impressive 7 feet 5 inches tall, and the heads of his fellow Mongolians pictured surrounding him on the city street corner reached only as high as his lower chest.
Even more revealing was the fact that the photograph was never published in the NGS magazine until December, 1996, and then only on the back page as a curiosity photo pulled out the the Society’s archives.
Other rare photographs taken by early European and American expeditions to Tibet and the Altai Himalayas made in the 1920’s and 1930’s show similar Giants existing among the general populations of Central Asia, all of whom were in the seven- to eight-foot range.
More recently, in 2008, the Associated Press carried the wedding picture of another Mongolian Giant, this one named Bao Xishun, a 56-year-old herdman from the village of Chifeng who stands an incredible 7 feet 9 inches tall. He is shown being married in front of the tomb of Kublai Khan. His new wife, pictured next to him, is only 5 feet 6 inches, and her head comes only up to his abdomen.
[Copyright 2009. Joseph Robert Jochmans. All Rights Reserved.]
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